Wakulla County, Florida

ESG’s partnership with Wakulla County began in 2007. With a staff of 16 employees, ESG’s scope of services includes operations and management of the water and wastewater treatment facilities, distribution and collection, lift stations, piping, and fleet maintenance. ESG has assisted the County with several major projects that have resulted in significant savings to the County.
Facilities Operated and Maintained
- 1.5 MGD wastewater plant
- 0.5 MGD water plant
- 87 lift stations
- 170 miles of piping
- 1 storage tank (250,000 gallons)
Service Area
736 Square MIles
Significant Accomplishments
Completed electrical/mechanical rebuild of Medart Master Lift Station
- Installed new control panel
- Installed new pumps
- Converted from float system to transducers
- Installed new electrical panel for odor control system
Completed overhaul of Hickory Park Master Lift Station
- Installed new fiberglass liner in failing concrete wet well structure
- Upgraded pumps
- New control panel installed
Completed construction of public access re-use line
- Installed an 8” public access re-use line
- New re-use line provides treated effluent for irrigation to the Wildwood Country Club